According to the introduction to Wheelock's Latin (3rd Edition) Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis) was an Augustan age poet (who lived from 45 - 104 AD). He is famed for his more than 1,500 witty epigrams and for the satirical twist which he so oftengave to them. As he himself says, his work may not be great literature, but people do enjoy it (p. xxxvi).
ISSA (Wheelock's pg. 355)
Issa est passere nequior Catulli:
Issa est purior osculo columbae;
Issa est blandior omnibus puellis;
Issa est carior Indicis lapillis;
Issa est deliciae catella Publi.
Hanc tu, si queritur, loqui putabis.
Sentit tristitiamque gaudiumque.
Hanc ne lux rapiat suprema totam,
picta Publius exprimit tabella
in qua tam similem videbis Issam
ut sit tam similis sibi nec ipsa.
Issam denique pone cum tabella:
aut utramque putabis esse veram
aut utramque putabis esse pictam.
Martial 1.109)
English translation (by me, with corrections in class):
Issa is more mischevious than Catullus' sparrow:
Issa is purer than the kiss of a dove;
Issa is more flattering than all girls;
Issa is more dear than India's gems;
Issa is Publius' darling little dog.
You will think that this dog is speaking if she whimpers.
She feels sadness and joyfullness.
In order that death not seize all of this
Publius portrays in a painting
in which you will see an Issa so similar to the real Issa
that not even she herself would be so similar to herself.
Finally place Issa together with the painting:
either you will think that both are real
or you will think that both are painted.
I thought this poem was adorable and I immediately thought of Chase!