Kirstin's World

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm back!

So, here's a new post, finally!

Since the last post, I've finished applying for graduate schools. Now I'm nervously waiting to hear if anyone wants me. Hopefully I'll find out in the next couple of months!

School is going well. Today is the 2nd last day of reading week :( I'm really sad about that - I need at least one more week! I've been semi-productive, and I've been doing a lot of fun reading! I've read The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, and now I'm reading Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson - good but math-ish.

In other school news, I've been accepted to the 4th Annual History and Classics Undergraduate Association (HACUA) Conference on March 9 - 10. I'm presenting my final paper in my Class 354 class, which I took last year - Idealism vs. Reality as Seen in the Literature. It should be super fun - my first academic conference - and I need to start on my presentation very soon!

A couple of weekends ago Ben, Corrie and I went to visit the relies in Victoria. It was awesome to see everyone, especially Grandma Anne and Grandpa Sam. It was a very short visit, just 2 days, but it was worth it. We saw all the relatives!

In super-exciting news - I've just got a new computer! It's a 15.4" Toshiba Satellite A-100. I just bought it yesterday! I'm very excited - the computer that I shared with Ben was way to big and heavy, and we're both using it a lot lately. It's hard to get computer time. But all that is solved now!

To see something ridiculous, check this out - Tessa put it on her blog and it makes me wonder about society!


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